Saturday, June 13, 2015

Vegetarian sausage rolls

Vegetarian sausage rolls
I made these sausage rolls for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I had always overlooked them, mainly because they are vegetarian, and I thought they would taste a bit boring. I kept seeing people post about them on Facebook groups, and they were always saying that people couldn't believe they didn't have meat in them. So I decided to give them a go.

Sausage roll filling
I must admit that when I first saw the mixture, I thought it was going to be a disaster. It was a very runny, pale mixture. I just couldn't see how that was going to turn into a sausage roll! The first time I made them I used Danish fetta, and my eggs were quite large, so the mixture ended up too runny to work with, so I had to add in some more oats to form the "sausage" on the pastry. This time, I had forgotten to buy fetta, so I ended up adding grated cheddar cheese. This worked ok! The mixture wasn't runny like last time. I used smaller eggs too, so that probably helped. I didn't end up having to add extra oats.

Before rolling
I did have to cook the sausage rolls for an extra 5 minutes, as some of the pastry didn't brown up enough. In the end I was pretty happy with the outcome. The taste is great too. It is actually really amazing, the filling actually does have the exact taste and texture of a regular meat filled sausage roll. The kids couldn't tell it wasn't meat. My oldest actually ended up eating 4 of them, he enjoyed them so much!
Now I will just have to think about making some home made tomato sauce to serve them with!

There is a recipe by Cyndi O'Meara on the recipe community that is pretty much the same as this, if you don't have the Basic Cook Book and want to give this recipe a go. The recipe can be found here.

Happy thermomixing!

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