Monday, June 22, 2015

Crepes with chocolate sauce (and strawberries!)

Crepes with chocolate sauce
Sundays are great for having fiddly breakfasts, knowing I don't need to rush around with the kids to get them to where they need to be for the day. So most weeks I like to make something special for breakfast on a Sunday. I decided to give the crepes a whirl. And since I hadn't really planned it through, I didn't have any syrup left to pour on them so I thought I would make up a half batch of the chocolate sauce too!

The crepe batter is really quick to make. Put everything in and give it a few quick 10 second blends and its ready to rest in the fridge for half an hour. I wanted to make the sauce in the thermomix, so I poured the crepe batter into a bowl and left it to rest while I made the sauce.

Crepe mixture after resting
I didn't really need a huge amount of sauce and there wasn't anything else I was planning on using it for, so rather than wasting half of it, I made up half of the recipe. One thing I will do differently next time, I would probably stir the cocoa through the sugar syrup a little before mixing it in the thermomix, just because some of it got stuck against the side of the bowl, and I had to give the sauce a second mix to combine it all. This probably wouldn't be too much of an issue if the full recipe was made though, as it would be covering the blades more.
Chocolate sauce

I found the sauce was also a little too thick in the end, so I did add a little bit more water and gave it another quick mix. One important tip! When you scrape the sauce into another container and you end up with a really chocolatey spatula...don't lick it! It is chocolate, and very tempting, but that stuff is cooked at 120℃ and it burns the tongue quite a lot! I know this from experience!!! Ouch...I am still suffering today with a sore tongue. I just wasn't thinking at the time, well I learnt my lesson the hard way!

Sugar syrup and cocoa powder
The crepes worked really well in my new Tefal non stick frying pan I bought a few weeks ago. I buttered the pan for the first couple of crepes, but then tried without buttering it and they still came off the pan just as easily.

Crepes are very time consuming to make since if you only use one frying pan, and it takes 3-4 minutes to cook each one, and I ended up getting 8 out of the mixture. So the whole process of making the batter, then resting it while making the sauce, then cooking the crepes, took me around an hour. So definitely something for a lazy Sunday when nothing else is calling you!

Next time I make them I want to try using a little less batter for each crepe to aim for the 10 crepes suggested in the recipe. I used a little over a ladle full for each crepe, because my pan was quite big, but because of the 4 eggs in the recipe, they do puff up a little bit. I think they would have been a little bit lighter and fluffier if I hadn't used quite as much batter for each one.

The kids ate every single morsel of theirs, and they really enjoyed the chocolate sauce as a bit of a treat! Well, who wouldn't!

I still do have a little bit of sauce left, so I am thinking it might be good to use for making hot chocolate drinks. I may just experiment with that later tonight and report back on the result!

Happy thermomixing!

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