Sunday, June 28, 2015

Home made burgers

Burger buns with American style burger patties

I am going through the main meals quite quickly in the Basic Cook Book, so I have included a few non-BCB meals in my meal plan this week. Tonight we had burgers - I made the buns using Lailah's 900g jumbo loaf recipe, and the burgers were from Skinnymixer's American Style Burger Patties recipe.
Before proving dough

To make the buns, I made up a batch of the dough, and using 4 of my mini round baking pans that I picked up at Kmart last week, I measure out 120g of dough for each of them. I then rolled them into bun shapes and dipped the top of the bun into the sesame seeds. The remaining dough I put into a small loaf tin. I covered them all in plastic wrap and put them in the oven on the lowest temperature setting to help them rise. Once they were doubled in size, I took them out of the oven and pre-heated it to 180℃, and baked the buns for 20 minutes and the loaf for about 25 minutes.

After proving
The burgers I made earlier this afternoon, just after making the bread dough. I left them in the fridge to rest for a while. Then once the bread buns were cooked and cooled slightly I started cooking the burgers on the stove. They would be lovely cooked on the bbq too, but tonight I decided to try them on the stove.

I used the tomato ketchup from when I made the meat pies on the buns (recipe from the BCB). I haven't got around to making mayonnaise yet, so I used some shop bought mayo I already had in the fridge. Next time I make these I will also make some mayonnaise from scratch.
Cooked burger buns

The kids both finished all their burgers off. The seven year old even said "If there was a magic genie, all I would ask him for is more of these burgers!". I'm guessing that means these were a big hit!

The burger meat tasted great, considering it only has the 3 ingredients. I am so used to adding herbs, pepper, eggs to bind, breadcrumbs and so on. But they worked out great without all this! If you haven't tried them, give them a go!

Happy thermomixing!

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