Saturday, June 20, 2015

Spaghetti carbonara

Spaghetti carbonara
I can't believe I have waited so long to try this recipe! Its so easy to make, and the sauce is delicious. It tastes so creamy, it is hard to believe that there isn't any cream in it.

I used diced short cut bacon, which was quite nice. Pancetta would be lovely too. The bacon goes into the thermoserver while the pasta water is coming to the boil. The water goes on for ten minutes to boil, so if you wanted to save time, you could add boiling water from the kettle so it doesn't take as long.

If you haven't tried cooking spaghetti in the thermomix yet, try it! Its quite funny to watch it spinning around and gradually going down into the bowl. My pasta packet instructions stated 9 minutes to cook, so I added an extra minute to allow for the time it took the pasta to fall down completely into the water.

Once the pasta is drained and placed in the thermoserver with the bacon and shallots, the sauce mixture needs to be added as quickly as possible and stirred. This cooks the egg and melts the cheese, so it forms a lovely creamy sauce. Since there isn't actually any cream in the dish, it isn't too heavy. Both the kids enjoyed this meal. I will definitely make this a regular addition to my meal plan!

Happy thermomixing!

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