Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Vegetable stock paste

Vegetable stock paste
The vegetable stock paste is usually the first thing a new thermomix owner will make. When the machine is delivered to you, your consultant goes through all the safety precautions with you, and then should help you make your first recipe - the vegetable stock paste.

I have had my thermomix for about 7 months now, and this batch is the third one I have made. It lasts for a long time - I am told up to 8 months, due to the high amount of salt in it. Not that I have ever had any left long enough to find out! I store it in a glass jar in the fridge, and always use a clean spoon to scoop a portion out, so that it doesn't get contaminated and lasts a long time. It is possible to make it without the full amount of salt, however in this case it won't last as long, and it is better to store it in the freezer. Because of the salt content (even with half the amount) it doesn't freeze hard, so you can still scoop it out easily with a spoon. Last time I made it I didn't have quite enough salt left, I used around 80g, so I started out with it in the freezer, but I started having trouble getting the lid off it (it was a metal lid and a glass jar), so in the end I just kept it in the fridge. I got through it in about 2 months and it was still perfectly fine.

Ingredients before cooking

I followed the recipe pretty closely here, in order to show what it looks like. Its day before shopping day today though, and because I didn't realise my stock was running low last week, I didn't have a zucchini in the fridge. No problem - I just replaced it with the dark green part of the leek I wouldn't be using in the vegetable soup I was making after the stock. You can actually use whatever vegetables you have in your crisper/pantry, so its great to make with things that are looking a bit sad but not quite bin ready. Way better than wasting food!

Coarse pureed vegetables before cooking
One thing that really amazes me about the thermomix is how powerful it is. The ingredients went from raw, chopped vegetables to a coarse puree in a matter of 10 seconds. And this wasn't even at full speed.

Once the stock has been cooked and then pureed further, it results in a nice thick paste. I transfer it into a glass jar and store it in the fridge.

Vegetables after cooking and pureeing
One other tip for after you have made vegetable stock paste - don't wash out the tm bowl. I leave approximately a tablespoon of the paste in there and then without cleaning the bowl, proceed with another recipe that includes stock paste. Today I was making vegetable soup.

Happy thermomixing!

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