Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Meatballs with tomato sauce

Meatballs with tomato sauce and pasta
I have tried these meatballs before, and quite enjoy them. I like the texture, and the steaming ensures they remain moist, as opposed to cooking in a frying pan, where they can easily dry out.

As you can see, I spread the meatballs apart quite a lot to allow the steam to circulate. I have made the meatballs quite large. I have done them a little bit smaller too, but they would just need cooking for a little less time. You just need to have a look halfway through and see how close they are to done, and then remove the varoma while the sauce finishes cooking.

Before steaming
I actually had my kids helping me out to make this dinner, so it was a family affair! I still have quite a sore back from pulling a muscle at some stage over the weekend. The thermomix is your friend at times like this! As is having tiny little helpers to get ingredients from the fridge and pantry for you!
Cooked meatballs
The meatballs themselves are quite flavoursome. I do find the tomato sauce needs something extra though. I think I might have a play around with it the next time I make it. I generally add in extra garlic whenever I make a tomato paste sauce, however this would probably be quite nice with a bit of chilli added to it.
Cooked sauce

I served the meatballs with pasta curls and some freshly grated parmesan. It was a nice easy meal and the kids finished all theirs off. There was also enough leftovers for the following night, always a bonus!

Happy thermomixing!

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