Thursday, August 13, 2015

Zucchini slice

Zucchini slice
This recipe is in the new book, Everyday cooking for Thermomix families. It makes quite a big slice, and you can eat it hot or cold, so it is a great recipe to make for dinner one night and have for lunch the next day with a salad.

I love how quick the slice is to make with the thermomix - no standing there grating zucchini and cheese and taking off skin and fingernails with the grater. The cheese and zucchini are grated in a matter of seconds, and put aside to be added later. And as you can see in the cooked slice, it is nice even pieces. So easy to do in the thermomix.

The bacon in the slice adds a nice flavour too. The flour used is rice flour, which is really easy to make in the thermomix. I didn't have any in the pantry so I made some in a couple of minutes! Easy as that!

The kids loved the zucchini slice. I served it with oven chips made with potato and sweet potato. I dressed the raw potatoes in YIAH intense olive oil and Roma Italian spice blend before baking them. I put them in the oven at the same time as the zucchini slice and they were ready at the same time. I also put a little bit of tomato ketchup on the side. The salad is spinach and tomatoes dressed with YIAH Chamoy balsamic vinegar and grapeseed oil.

Its so easy to make all these things from scratch and great to know exactly what is going in them.

Happy thermomixing!

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