Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Sticky date pudding

Sticky date pudding
This is one of those recipes that makes people want to buy a Thermomix - just ask my sister!!! She is now a proud owner! hehe…

Its such an easy and delicious dessert, and tastes fantabulous. Yes I know, I made that word up, but it is the best way to describe the sticky date pudding!

I always use fresh medjool dates when I make this. I did try once with dried pitted dates, but it just wasn't the same! The medjool dates are a little bit more expensive, but its worth it. And you can make CADA out of the leftover dates anyway, so that's a bonus!

I usually make the pudding itself the day before if I am doing it for a celebration of some kind. Then when we need to serve it I give it a quick zap in the microwave to warm it up, ready to receive the delicious sauce!

The sauce…I need a word better than fantabulous for that. I can't even think of one. Its just the best caramel sauce I have ever had! The best part, aside from how good it tastes, is that it makes quite a lot of sauce, so there is usually a lot of leftovers. I store it in the fridge and it goes quite thick when it is cold. Perfect for anything you would want a bit of caramel sauce on. Icecream perhaps?

So if you haven't tried this one yet, on your bike and get yourself the ingredients, because its so worth it! Even the extra calories!

Happy thermomixing!

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