Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Rice pudding

Rice pudding
As I was making dinner tonight (the Cornish pasties) the kids were already asking what was for dessert! I hadn't even thought that far ahead yet, so I grabbed my Basic Cook Book and flicked to the desserts section to see what I hadn't made for a while. Rice pudding it was!

It takes 30 minutes for the rice to cook, so I put it on before we started eating dinner. By the time we had finished our meals, the rice was just about done. I had enough time to put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and wash the few things I needed to do by hand.

I had some Your Inspiration At Home (YIAH) Country Baked Apple Pie baking spice, so when the recipe asked for the spices I just added about half a teaspoon of that.

The end result was lovely and creamy and nicely flavoured by the spice mix. The kids loved it, and it made quite a lot so there is more for tomorrow. It is really delicious cold the next day too.

Happy thermomixing!

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