Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Chocolate cupcakes with dark chocolate frosting

Chocolate cupcakes with dark chocolate frosting
My sons' birthdays are quite close together, so we usually do their party on the same day, just to make it easier to find a date that suits everyone. This year we had an afternoon tea - a few savoury snacks and a few more cakes and sweets! 

I decided to give the chocolate cupcakes from the new Everyday cooking for Thermomix families a go. And since there was a recipe for dark chocolate frosting that looked quite nice, I thought I would whip some of that up as well!

The cakes turned out quite moist. I filled the cupcake pans about 3/4 full, and they rose just enough to pop over the top nicely. The chocolate I used was 70% cocoa, so they weren't overly sweet, which was good, since there was lots of delicious frosting to go on top!

The frosting was really easy to make. It also contains chocolate, instead of adding cocoa powder. I used the same chocolate that I used in the cake. I like that this frosting recipe doesn't use the butterfly. I sometimes find with the butterfly I need to stop the blades and scrape down the sides a few times and it doesn't get that light buttercream texture to it.

One think I might do differently with this recipe next time, is use white sugar milled down instead of raw. I would also mill it a bit finer as well, as I did find the texture a little grainy with the raw sugar. 

These were still very delicious cupcakes. I decorated them with mini malt balls that I found in the cake decorating aisle at the supermarket. They gave a nice little crunch.

Happy thermomixing!

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