Thursday, July 9, 2015

Zucchini soup

Zucchini soup
It was a little chilly in Perth this morning, and where we are it even got down to -1.5 at one stage! So after having a little sleep in and then some nice warm porridge for breakfast (made in the thermie of course), I decided to give the fridge a bit of a clean out before I went to pick up my groceries.

In doing that, I discovered a zucchini that needed to be used, and I was getting a few more fresh ones in my shopping order. So I thought I would make some zucchini soup for lunch.

By the time I had cleaned the fridge, picked up the shopping, brought it in and put it all away, it was already lunch time. I considered for a second just making myself a sandwich, but then thought, no, soup won't take very long.

There wasn't much chopping involved, it all just goes into the bowl in thermie sized chunks, the water and stock/seasonings are added and off it goes. In 15 minutes the soup was cooked and just needed the rest of the ingredients adding and a 1 minute blend. Done!

The soup was nicely flavoured by the stock. I did find it had a slightly bitter taste, but only ever so slight. I'm not sure what caused this, maybe the zucchini skin. Even so, it was quite tasty, and I will make it again.

Happy thermomixing!

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